• Finland, Germany, and Italy increased US LNG imports to replace Russian natural gas, diversify their supply, reduce geopolitical risk, and increase energy security.

    Energy Diplomacy: Replacing Russian LNG

    By Published On: August 8, 2024Categories: Energy
  • 16 critical infrastructure sectors, including 4 identified as “lifelines,” underpin daily life. Energy is unique among the 16, as the critical infrastructure sector supporting all 55 functions.

    Critical Infrastructure Underpins Daily Life

    By Published On: July 3, 2024Categories: Energy
  • Stable seaborne energy trade would be at risk without the laws and frameworks established by the rules-based international order.

    What Supports Seaborne Energy Trade?

    By Published On: June 11, 2024Categories: Energy
  • Role of energy security in national security strategy, emphasizing strategic energy considerations.

    NSS 103: Three Phases of Energy Security since 1987

    By Published On: January 9, 2024Categories: Energy, Primer

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