Drive the Energy Transition

Maximize the value of your Renewable Energy Portfolio

Your company is part of the solution.

By pushing the boundaries of science and technology, you’re discovering novel ways to generate, store, and distribute energy equitably across the world. You’re challenging deeply rooted beliefs that say it can’t be done.

Transforming the energy industry to one with lower emissions, renewable sources, a sustainable environmental footprint, and energy equity are essential components of meeting Paris Agreement goals.

Your company proves we can get there. You’re creating new jobs and showing a skeptical generation that you’re committed to leaving the world better for our children and their children.

In recent decades, climate change has rapidly reduced the size of the Furtwangler Glacier at the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.

As we collectively work to avoid the worst effects of climate change, I’m inspired and encouraged by the innovation and boldness represented in the renewable energy industry. Simultaneously, I’m concerned about the effects geopolitical risk may have on the viability of nascent and fragile renewable energy value chains. I started River Basin LLC to leverage my deep expertise in geopolitics for the benefit of energy companies supporting the energy transition. I can help your company understand and manage its geopolitical risk, so you can focus on the technology and production.

River Basin LLC works with energy companies to incorporate geopolitical risk solutions into operations and investment decisions to increase resiliency and insulate against geopolitical uncertainty.

Get Insight About Your Business’ Geopolitical-Driven Vulnerabilities With this Short, No-Cost Assessment

Stillwater Associates has contracted with River Basin since 2023, and I can attest to the high level of value Allison adds to our work. Allison is not only a thought leader and strategic analyst concerning downstream transportation energy operations; she is also a skilled consensus-builder, highly organized, direct, and focused. Her no-nonsense, results-oriented approach to project management consistently yields successful outcomes on-time and within budget.

~Kendra Seymour, Director of Operations, Stillwater Associates LLC

Schedule your discovery call now.


Discovery Call

20 minutes – Free

Explore your business disposition, the potential geopolitical risks involved, and how River Basin can help.

Lunch ‘n’ Learn

1 Hour – $250*

Not convinced your business needs to worry about geopolitical risk? Let River Basin help you. During this one-hour “lunch n learn,” River Basin will explain the rise of a new era of geopolitical risk facing businesses today. We will explore the roots of this risk, an overview of potential manifestations, why it is in every company’s best interest to evaluate their geopolitical risk exposure, and what actions companies can take to reduce their risk.

Outcome: After this hour, business leaders will understand why they need to evaluate their geopolitical risk position.

* Travel if <3hr car. Virtual if not OR paid travel

Learn the Way

“The Okavango”

4 Hours – $6,000 – $60,000*

River Basin will provide in-depth training for up to 10 company staff regarding an approach to evaluating geopolitical risk. This package is ideal for companies who already have employees aligned to geopolitical risk analysis and are looking to bolster their tradecraft.

Outcome: You will have the information and tools needed to evaluate your company’s geopolitical risk more deeply. After identifying the highest priority risks, you can develop mitigation or remediation plans.

*Pricing based on Emerging to Legacy Complexity

Illuminate the Risk

“The Danube”

3 Days – $20,000 – $200,000*

Using a proprietary methodology, River Basin will lead your cross-functional team through the identification, analysis, and prioritization steps of the geopolitical risk management cycle for three value chains of your choice.
This is 3 consecutive days for 8 hrs each, on site at your location.

Outcome: At the end of this engagement, you will have clarity on prioritized risks for the selected value chains, an understanding of the potential consequences, and the information needed to develop mitigation strategies.

Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are unhappy after the first day, you get your money back for the remainder of the program.

*Pricing based on Emerging to Legacy Complexity

Strategize a Response

“The Nile”

3 months – $50,000 – $500,000*

Using a proprietary methodology, River Basin will shepherd your cross-functional team through the entire risk analysis, prioritization, and mitigation planning effort for up to three value chains of your choice. This package builds on “The Danube” and includes customizable meeting and presentation options.

Outcome: At the end of this engagement, you will have actionable strategies developed to mitigate or remediate your business’ top three geopolitical risks for the selected value chains.

Satisfaction Guarantee: If you are unhappy after the first session, you get your money back for the remainder of the program.

*Pricing based on Emerging to Legacy Complexity


Geopolitical risk analysis and advice

River Basin is committed to helping companies uncover, evaluate, and mitigate their geopolitical risks. Our clients make long-term investments and depend on continued operations to achieve expected returns. Business decisions made in the past now face new risks that were not considered when the decision was made. As the energy transition gains momentum, companies who plan around geopolitical risk will have a competitive advantage.


Differentiate and position wisely

In today’s dynamic global environment, business leaders must carefully weigh decisions against an ever-growing list of criteria. Geopolitical risk has high consequence potential and must be addressed.

  • Scenario analysis – Develop scenarios to explore vulnerabilities and opportunities.

  • Competitive intelligence – In depth research to provide foresight informing future investment decisions.

  • Training & Workshops – Bespoke onsite events for team training, workforce development, and interactive planning.

Risk Advisory

Uncover, evaluate, and manage geopolitical risk

We use a unique methodology that is grounded in techniques from the intelligence community, informed by best practices in the energy industry, and bolstered by PhD level modeling.

  • Value chain risk – Mapping your value chain to enable geopolitical risk identification and analysis.
  • Maritime risk – Manage maritime logistics risk and prepare remediation or mitigations plans.
  • Remediation development – Comprehensive evaluation for materialized risks that must be addressed.
  • Mitigation planning – Avoid, reduce, or transfer unmaterialized risk to reduce probability and/or consequence.
  • Training & Workshops – Bespoke onsite events for team training, workforce development, and interactive planning.


Information is power.

This is at the core of our services. With over 20 years of analytic experience across multiple industries, our analytic skills and insights are unrivaled.

  • Threat vectors – Gain insight on unique geopolitical risks facing businesses today.

  • Executive briefs – Stay current on key events and their potential implications for your business.

  • Trend analysis – Put emerging situations into context.

You may be thinking:

Incorporating geopolitical risk into your value chains at an early stage will give you a competitive advantage. This could be a game-changer for your future sustainability, particularly if you’re creating new supply chains.

River Basin offers tiered pricing based on complexity to accommodate the diversity of client situations. We are committed to partnering with innovative renewable energy companies. Your company’s work is essential.

Unfortunately, we’re not and this is part of the geopolitical risk facing energy companies. GHG reduction efforts may be overshadowed by varying priorities and long-term goals of certain players.

Given the highly dynamic geopolitical environment, managing your business’s geopolitical risk is not a one time activity. Like the other risks you manage, properly managing geopolitical risk requires integration with your company processes. As part of our contract, we will provide reach-back support for a length of time following the conclusion of our engagement. We are committed to partnering with you in this journey.

During any multi-day paid engagement, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you are unhappy after the first session, get your money back on any subsequent days. You get value or we go home.

Schedule your discovery call now.