Frequently Asked Questions

River Basin offers strategic services, including scenario analysis, competitive intelligence, training and workshops. We offer risk advisory services, including value chain risk, maritime risk, remediation development, and mitigation planning. We also offer analytic services, such as threat vectors, executive briefs and trend analysis.

We focus on the energy industry, which includes multiple stakeholders with different priorities.

Initial consultations are free, while we align on your needs. Our pricing model is a combination of project-based, retainer, and hourly on-call consulting.

To start a conversation, schedule a Discovery Call. Completing the High Level Vulnerability Assessment is helpful before a Discovery Call but is not required. After we align on your needs, River Basin will provide a proposal, which includes deliverables, a timeline, and cost. Upon acceptance, we will sign a contract and begin execution.

Duration varies based on the scope and complexity of client needs. Projects generally fall into three buckets: 1) immediate questions resolved in hours, 2) short-term projects completed in weeks, or 3) in-depth support requiring 3-6 months.

Our approach to problem-solving is structured and collaborative, ensuring that we deliver tailored solutions that address your unique challenges. Our process looks like this:

  • Initial Consultation: We start with an in-depth consultation to understand your objectives and specific challenges. The Discovery Call will help facilitate this effort.
  • Define the Problem: Through our discovery process, we clearly define the problem you are trying to address and the desired output of the project. We find this is the most important step in the process and one worth extra attention.
  • Research and Analysis: In almost every case, we require input data from the client. Once we have the data, we use a unique methodology that is grounded in techniques from the intelligence community, informed by best practices in the energy industry, and bolstered by PhD level modeling.
  • Developing Solutions: Based on our analysis and your stated objectives, we brainstorm and develop potential solutions. We use creative and critical thinking techniques to ensure our solutions are innovative and practical.
  • Client Collaboration: We collaborate with you throughout the process, ensuring that our proposed solutions align with your business goals. Your feedback is crucial in refining and validating our approach throughout the project.

Sustainability and Follow-up: Our priority is solving challenging problems and providing solutions that meet your objectives. Our follow-up includes periodic check-ins and reviews. We will provide reach-back support for a length of time following the conclusion of our engagement. We are committed to partnering with you on this journey.

We have uniquely diverse industry experience and unrivaled analytical capabilities. We use innovative and proprietary methodologies to help you manage a vital new type of geopolitical risk. Our client-first approach ensures you receive tailored solutions ready for implementation.

Boise, Idaho, USA.

We work on Mountain Time and are open from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday. For certain clients, we provide expanded hours to respond to emergent needs.

River Basin will drive up to three hours from Boise, Idaho free of charge. Otherwise, the client can opt to pay for travel or schedule a virtual Lunch ‘n’ Learn.

Yes. We will work with clients to craft tailored packages suited for their specific business needs.

New geopolitical risks facing your business today have emerged over time. Only recently did we gain clarity that these risks could present high consequences for energy companies.

The risk comes from a shift in global geopolitics, in which authoritarian dictators seek goals that are incompatible with the current international rules-based system. As they pursue their goals, decades of reliable systems are being challenged and are less dependable for the businesses who need them.

Schedule your discovery call now.